Auchi Poly News (October 9, 2016) - Please take note that there will be no public holiday as lectures continues with more force...
✅Report came to us that rumor is being circulated everywhere that there will be a public holiday to honor the Oba of Benin coronation, please take note that there will be no public holiday as lectures continues with more force.................
✅Also the school management has ask all project work to be submitted before October 31st which is the start of the second semester exam for the regular students.................
✅It is now confirm that Ses students will not be doing their second semester exam year due to their tight second semester academic calendar................
✅Second semester Timetable for Ses students will soon be out latest this week as lectures will kick start strongly....,...........
✅Please all sick students being it Ses or regular should always feel free to use the school cottage hospital as their facilities have improve drastically...........
✅All HND applicants should take note that there will be no screening fee as rumor has being going around that there is a screening fee to be paid at the bank, all fees have already been included in the form. So don't pay any fee to any bank................
✅Also all HND applicants should take note that the screening date has not been change as it remain the same October 11th to 13th as the new schedule is as follow.........
Oct 11th school of business studies.......
Oct 12th school of engineering.......
Oct 12th school of applied science..........
Oct 13th school of information and communication technology..
Oct 13th school of art and design.........
Oct 13th school of environmental........
✅All ND applicants should take note that there will be no screening as their admission process has already started as we await first batch list which might be release latest before 25th October..............
✅(BLW) believers love word of Christ embassy will be having their music festival on Sunday 16th October at the new auditorium, please came and experience Glory................
✅Today is said to be communion service at living faith Church aka winners chapel. Come and experience Gods touch...............
✅All students are advice to be cautious this exam period and end of the year in all they do as your life is important to others than you..................
✅Ebekiakhia 2016 greet all d Esan student, even as Esan election come up today 9th of October opposite hostel f, pls come with kparakpor receipt and any valid I D CARD.............
✅It was all drama yesterday as a female student was seen crawling on the floor begging her boyfriend at sabo road to accept her back after she left him before...............
✅Report came to us that one apostle villa almost got burned yesterday as a students gas cylinder exploded but we thank God there was no casualties.............
✅Ahu 2016 is greeting all esan students as their election begins today sunday 9th, please vote wisely...........,..
✅That's our Sunday news for today........
✅Please share this information to all students to be informed...........
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