How To Start A Blog - COMPLETE STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO BLOG DESIGN IN BLOGSPOT (+ Videos) | Blogger Tips and Tricks

For Sure, You want to be a Blogger. if not, Why then are you reading This? Blogging is fun; I can Promise You that. Follow This Complete Step By Step Guide and Leave Comment for Support in case you need extra help and I will be Very Glad To Help... My Name is Godson Obiazi, I'm a Blogger, It makes me Happy and I want You to Join Me Too... Please, Add Your New Blog in the Comment Box Below for Follow ups. Start Creating and Designing Your Blog Now. Continue Reading... is a free Web space that allow Webmasters, Journalist, Entertainers, Sportsmen, Coaches, Student an so on (No matter what your Occupation is); to share their Contents and interest online. It is a Platform that have Promoted Many Business and Companies through allowing them Promote their Products online. Blogging is now becoming a major source of employment in Nigeria and other Countries in the World as most Graduates, Undergraduates and Even School Leaver are depending on It and Earning even higher than the Working Class in our Society Today.
Blogging Demands No certificate nor an employee. All what is needed is either a Tutor or Tutorials Like this Post and The Videos Tutorials Contained in It.
Blogger is Associated with Gmail i.e To Create a Blog in Blogger You must first have a Gmail (Google Mail) Account. This account is used through all of Google Products like YouTube, GTalk, Blogger, Gmail etc.
1. How To Create A Gmail Acoount:
To Create a Gmail Account, You must first Log-in to And Follow the Steps in Completing the Gmail Cration as Contained In the Tutorial Below.
After Creating Your Gmail Account, Proceed to the Blog Creation Process as Contained in Number 5. of this Video Tutorials.
2. Designing Your Blog Banner or Header In Photoshop
Your Blog/Website Header is a Unique part of Your Blog. Therefore, It is Important to pick a Unique Design to use. And Also, Take note of the Color Combination and Make sure it suites your Blog Design. Most Popular Header Designs Contain Blog Title and Address as this Helps Promote your Blog URL. BE SURE TO UTILIZE THIS TIP.
3. Continuation...
4. Continuation... (Video was Truncated By Recorder)
5. How To Create A New Blog And Upload Edited Header or Banner.
If It were Web Design in HTML, Css or Js, Your DashBoard would Be the Software or Application you are using for your web design. But on Blogger, Your Dashboard is On This is ehere all the necessary activities of your Blog like Posting, Viewing Statistics, Editing, Settings, etc are being carried out. To aceess Your Dashboard, You Must First Log-in to
6. Uploading Header and Changing of Blog Background To Any Color of Format
7. Creating Your Blog Post Content and adding of Pictures, Videos and Download Links.
Blogs Look great with pictures and Videos because this leads to greater engagement of Audience and Thats why you need to learn Photo Editing/PHOTOSHOP and VIDEO EDITING along side. A Blog without Photos or Videos are Pretty uncool to visit at times. Even Social medias understand this.
LINKING Your Blog Posts or Other Content Enable your Viewers Download the Content You wish to Share. LINKING Is also a great tool for every webmaster as it serves as a mask that Shorten Veriety of other links in different format. THE VIDEO BELOW BEST EXPLAIN THE MEANING AND IMPOTANCE OF LINKING.
8. Creating Text, Linking and Sharing of Contents
9. Adding of Menu Bars:
A Good example of menu bars is seen in most web site (About | Home | Music | Games ). I believe Such links at the top of a website or blog is not new to you. Such links in a well arrange form are Called Menu Bars. They help in arranging Contents of a website in an ordered and easy to search form.
i.e, They aid easy Navigation between web pages and Content. Watch Video for Tip on how it can be added to your Blog and How you can design it.
9. Designing Menu Bars And Adding Gadgets
Gadgets are used to refer to the Side bars of your blog where you can post promotional contents, Advertisement, Sponsored Links and Videos etc. They are Very useful in decorating Your Blog. Most especially the flashy ads from Ad Networks like Google Adsense, Jumia, Konga etc. Gadget can also be a place holder for your menu bar and also a place to show-case your talent by Placing Personnal ads.
QUICK TIP: If you want to be Popular, You need to Start By Promoting Yourself.
10. Continuation... (Video was Truncated By Recorder)
The Line Break or Read More Tag Is a vital tool in blogger, WordPress, or other web design Platforms that helps you hide some of your post content from displaying on your Timeline or the front page of your blog. It also helps you Modify the look and feel of Your Blogger
Blog Both on A free and Hosted Blog Platform. This Video Tutorial Shows How to Shorten Your Blog Posts using the #Read_More Tag [Line Break] in
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