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Your Vote Is Your Voice - HOW TO VOTE in The Upcoming SUG Election - Auchi Poly News Update for August 22, 2016

As the school SUG election now ready to take place on Friday 26th August, 2016. Most ND1 students especially are still finding it difficult on how to vote. So Today we shall unveil the various requirement on how to vote in this Upcoming Auchi Poly SUG Election.

Step 1
Students must come with his or her school I'd card or alternatively library I'd card before 8am.
Step 2
Students must identify with their various department polling units quickly.
Step 3
Students are expected to vote one each from the 11 principal offices which are,
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary general
  • Director of finance
  • Director of welfare
  • Director of publicity
  • Director of social
  • Director of sports
  • Assistant secretary general
  • Deputy welfare...
Step 4
After students have entered the class room and now ready to vote, students will be given a ballot paper which you will check your prefer candidate position and then tick your candidate per position only before moving to the next position , for example (eg)
..................... Aka A
...................... Aka B
...................... Aka C

Director of Welfare
..................... Aka A
....................... Aka B
....................... Aka C

And so on and so forth until you will tick all the 11 Sug position then you submit.............

Step 5
Please take note that if you tick 2 votes in a particular position that vote will be void and will not be counted (eg)
Director of finance
..................... Aka A
...................... Aka B
..................... Aka C

Please all students should not be deceived by anyone as you already know who you want to vote for no matter what.


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